Niall Davis

With 25 years of industry experience, Virtigon co-founder, Niall has certainly seen it done well…and not so well. Working with Chris, Niall provides the strategic direction for the business.

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Chris Lawrence

With more years under his belt than he’d like to admit to, Virtigon co-founder Chris helps provide Virtigon with a strategic driving force within the company’s direction.

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Mike Denton

Mike is a very talented solutions architect, with an eye for detail and an ability to quickly find the right solution for the any requirement.

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Marc Burman

Marc’s integral role within the team is to source the right talent at the right time. Which is good, as Marc has a preternatural skill in finding the right people.

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Emma Nuttall

Emma fastidiously runs Virtigon’s HR and finances. Keeping us all inline and ensuring Virtigon is a balanced and well oiled machine.

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Alannah Christianson

Alannah is able to deal with extremely challenging situations, and assist in achieving project success. All this in addition to being Virtigon’s resident social media guru.

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